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Warren Woods Baptist Church

If you are in 6th - 12th grade, please join us for our Monthly Youth Fun night! If interested in coming or have questions, contact one of the youth team members: Todd Durocher, Dennis & Nikki Trantham

J.O.Y. Annual Picnic

Tom & Sammie Cary's 13733 Brunswick Drive, Sterling Heights, Michigan

Lunch at 1 PM Bring your beverage, lawn chair, and a dish to serve. Lunch is pot-luck. We will be taking up a $5.00 donation for the "ALL IN" Renovation. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board across from the office.

Alcohol Ink Art Class

Come learn this beautiful form of art! All supplies will be provided. Invite family & friends for a special time of creativity & fellowship! Sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway if interested in attending.
